Financial Aid to Poor Ladies and Widows

The Muslim Educational Society provided monthly financial aid to widows and deserving ladies.

Gold Medals Cash Awards for Teaching and Non-Teaching Staff

Prior to nationalization, the Muslim Educational Society presented Gold Medals to the heads of deserving schools on the basis of Matric results and Special Cash Awards to the subject teachers. The Gold Medal scheme was re-introduced in 1994 and given to the Top Teachers based on their results by the Board of Secondary Education. The subject teachers were awarded cash awards. In 2007, the society also awarded an Umrah ticket to the teacher who got three Gold Medals continuously for three years.

Chief Guests at Schools of the Muslim Education Society (1956 to 2008)

Post Nationalization

From 1972 to 1991, the Muslim Educational Society suspended its services but distributed books and cash funds to poor and needy students, as well as financially supported the children of its staff members. Soon after the Muslim Educational Society established Light House Montessori World, Light House Primary School, and Light House Public School from 1992 to 2008, near Airport, Malir Cant, Model Colony, and its second campus of Light House Montessori World, Light House Public School Campus-II, in Nazimabad in 2006-2007.

Community Holidays

The Muslim Educational Society commemorated UNESCO Universal Children’s Day, Health Day, and Mother’s Day, and Baby Show. Baby Show was very popular in Karachi, where babies from one month to two years old participated. Their medical checkups were conducted by child specialists, and mothers of healthy babies were awarded prizes and gifts. This program not only created health awareness amongst mothers and parents but also provided healthy competition in society. Elites of Karachi and non-governmental organizations (NGOs) actively participated in the Baby Show event, and the Muslim Educational Society also published Mother’s Guide. Renowned child specialists and childcare writers contributed their articles to Mother’s Guide, which helped mothers raise their babies. Many businesses supported the Society in publishing Mother’s Guide. On the eve of Baby Show, the Society distributed a booklet of character building for the babies.

Islamic Etiquettes

The Muslim Educational Society also published Islamic Etiquette Booklets for Primary and Secondary students, as well as Seeratun Nabi (S.A.W) Quiz and Quran Quiz booklets.

New Era Iqra Montessori Teachers Training Center

The Muslim Educational Society handed over management of the abovementioned schools to new management during the sessions of 2008-2009 to enable the society to start the Iqra Montessori Teacher’s Training Centre beginning on 26 Feb 26, 2009. The Iqra Research Centre, after extensive research on the prominent Montessori schools of Jewish, Christian, Buddhist, Interfaith, Sikh, Hindu, and Muslim Montessori schools of the world, prepared syllabuses/courses for the trainees of Iqra Montessori Teacher’s Training Centre based on the principles of Dr. Maria Montessori and Allama Iqbal Montessori Systems. Iqra became the first Montessori Teacher Training Centre in Pakistan and its trainees gained knowledge through international Montessori Trainers on multimedia. Igra is a member of the International Montessori Council of the USA and is affiliated with the Sindh Board of Technical Education. Iqra developed and introduced a special subject for character building. Iqra was also the first to introduce multi-language courses in English, Urdu, and Sindhi. Igra developed a website for Muslim Children of the World.

The Muslim Educational Society, with the support of the Iqra Montessori International Trust, progressed daily. The trainees of Iqra Montessori Teacher’s Training Centre were trained by Association Montessori International (AMI) Trainers with than 25 years of experience.

Online and Virtual Montessori Training

Iqra Montessori Teacher’s Training Centre offered short courses for Montessori administrators, principals, and teachers to educate them on the international development of the Montessori System. Iqra Montessori International Trust also offered franchises to establish Iqra Montessori Teacher’s Training Centres in all the towns in Karachi, and later in other cities of Pakistan.

Azad Bin Haider, Advocate
Founder, Muslim Educational Society
President, Iqra Montessori International Trust